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Water purification units (water desalination) for greenhouses and farms - Agriculture Among the most influential factors in the agricultural sector, according to the yields and quality of herbal products, the quality of water used for irrigation is. So that the accumulation of salts in the water at the soil surface, while dandruff formation and hardening of the soil, caused the accumulation of salts in the root zone, growth retardation, poisoning and premature aging of the plant. Among the parameters EC, TDS, pH, SAR, nitrate, chloride and boron were very important and necessary treatment and water quality standards requires agricultural water.

The benefits of water treatment systems for agriculture and irrigation -Increasing the productivity of crop, citrus fruits and vegetables has almost doubled - faster growth of plants - Improve product quality - problems of dandruff formation and hardening soil – Shoot cut flowers and ornamental effective in increasing lifespan longer shelf-life - removal of heavy metals dissolved in water to prevent poisoning of plant cell green house water reverse osmosis – System to help reduce water hardness softening, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration to solve problems - - Grftky of nozzles and nipple dropper in pressurized irrigation systems – Eliminating the problems caused by deposits in the pipes and transmission lines, irrigation (water-softening systems, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration) – Total Dissolved in water (TDS): the amount of water soluble salts can be planted depending on the type of fruit products to more than 50 percent. – The sodium content in the water for agricultural purposes (SAR): due to the accumulation of sodium in irrigation water directly to the plant, are highly effective in plant growth and reaching the leaves, causing the leaves to burn. – The boron compound: increasing the amount of boron in the plant's water poisoning. – The chloride ion in water: high chloride ion in agricultural water plant poisoning, burns and drying the tip of older leaves and premature leaf loss is. – Nitrate nitrogen and ammonia: Excessive nitrogen irrigation water (more than 30ppm) similar to ozone in chemical fertilizers, plant poisoning, lowered crop yields and product quality is low. – pH Water: Water is normally suitable pH range 8.4- 6.5. In this period the plant is growing well. To improve water pH suitable for the cultivation of irrigation is permitted chemical injection. Design and construction of water treatment systems in accordance with the raw water analysis, type of cultivation and irrigation water standards and depending on the water quality, including sand filtration systems, carbon, and Khvdshvyndh disc filters, softeners, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration is. reverse osmosis 2 According to Rvndpayyn consequently groundwater levels Shvrtrshdn agricultural water needs and growing population Azyksvvafzaysh hand feed Neither is the basic solution to overcome the aforementioned problem of absorption of water by plants has been Azyksvkahsh water Andyshyd.shvry Vazsvy Dygrsbb Rshdn porous aeration of the soil thus deploy alternative Mvrdnyazgyah nutrient uptake by roots is facing Disorders.

It is best to resolve definitively the problem of salinity in water and soil Zkrank·h Banzrmtkhssyn consulting firm tillage Nhamlyat of the package Bansb for Pzyrd.mamftkhrym Badvt Azshmazyzan to visit the implemented project (based on various garden crops such as barley-wheat-corn-cotton-alfalfa Vpsth points country) Rajht new partnership successes of modern agriculture and conquer Brmzl Shmazyzan increasing soil salinity opens.

Freshwater positive effects on agricultural water (desalination for agricultural use)

This method having advantages such as eliminating the adverse effects of stiffness and sediment, preventing the formation of sediment, sediment removal prior, easy to install and maintain one of the most practical ways to deal with high water hardness contrast, soil salinity and sediment agriculture has become.

The technology can be a situation occurred that the process of formation of crystals sediment in the water and to prevent the stick on the wall. This is called water-snow phenomenon occurred in Vblvrhay sediment in the water. Over time, the size of the initial seeds in water Added Vblvrhay soft neutral Vmlq have lost their adhesion properties appear. Mvjbab change in the crystalline arrangement Krbna STI policies provide calcium and minerals are abundant calcite adhesion properties of the adhesive strength not to become aragonite. The high water solubility to follow.

The need to use fresh water (use of desalination package):

1-Up to 30 percent savings in water use are GMT. 2. Enter your crops 10 to 20 days earlier. 3. The fertilizer consumption up to 50 percent consuming. 4. control agricultural pests and plant resistance against diseases of interest. 5. Check correct your soil. 6. pass desalination of brackish and high EC can use this water for irrigation. 7. Increase the quantity and quality of their products. 1- 30% saving in water use: A package of fresh water by desalination) goes faster soil and therefore be Kmtrtbkhyrmy. (B) of fresh water per unit of irrigation water depths greater than the wet soil. As a result of physical filtration, low surface tension of water, wetting Vkhasyt greatly increased. In this way, we can increase the penetration depth under irrigation and save water used. (C) with fresh water during irrigation, so water micron particles and ionized water ran deep clay soil stuck blocking, especially in light soils water holding capacity of the soil medium and Grdd.vdr result of increases. 2-v: Water wells and ground water that contains bicarbonate (temporary hardness) is when crops due to changes in pressure, temperature and PH on pipes, porous soil and roots of precipitate and cause hardening of the soil, reducing crop yield Vdyrrs of its product be. Sweet due to higher irrigation water water surface elasticity decreases to 10%, so that the plant allows moisture and food to better absorb soil Vsrytraz. To accelerate the process of absorption, mineral achieve cycle to accelerate plant products, prematurely.

3- Up to 50% saving on fertilizer use: By applying irrigation water desalination added to the water solubility of insoluble phosphates in the soil dissolve, Ptas·hay not fixed, silicates, colloidal particles, types of soil salts and increased absorption of micronutrients and activates the product will increase by plants was the result the reduced need for fertilizers is reduced and therefore the need for leaching soils of secondary salinity decreases over time. 4-To control agricultural pests and plant resistance against diseases of interest: Plant pests such as viruses, bacteria, fungus, are in Hdmykrvn has a negative charge. These microorganisms to survive the K Teun such as K +, Fe + ², Ca + ², Mg + ², ² + Zn dependent and due to the oppositely charged, cation uptake and growth of their Vnmvmy. With the reform of irrigation water desalination with Bvrab of the major cations which neutralize harmful plant pests activity is decreased, resulting in significant reduction of plant diseases. In addition, the absorption of water and nutrients more resistance to pests and diseases and the need for spraying to control a variety of pests significantly reduced. In other words, the number and amount of pesticide sprayed per serving can be reduced and the savings in production costs. 5-Modify your soil: Reducing the quality and quantity of water resources, soil degradation would normally have been added so that the scope of its area every day. As a result, it is necessary to reform the water and changes in physical and chemical characteristics and the neutralization of bicarbonates, soft soil and the formation of soil clods and Prevention is better ventilation. The fresh water has the ability to dissolve the salt in the soil. Practical experiences obtained in the northern Caspian Sea proves that the efficiency of using water to wash salt water is almost two times more than usual.

" 6- With the passage of brackish water, and desalination of water with high EC, you can use the water for irrigation: EC waters brackish and not suitable for watering the plants are high for two reasons: First, the root cause salt deposits and reduce cellular nutrition rotation (Cellular circulation) plants. Secondly, caused salt deposits in soil that increase stiffness and reduce the permeability of soil water in the soil. 7 - Increase the quantity and quality of their products: Using fresh water by desalination package, the process of photosynthesis strengthening of irrigation water and nutrient deficiency symptoms (yellowing and fading, fading, etc.) is high, the leaves are greener and more lush, more robust plants with capture better nutrients calcium and magnesium will be. . The shelf life of products such as tomatoes, potatoes and ornamental flowers are much larger. By harvest time and the percentage of small fruits and spoiled greatly reduced. Products a more hands are larger and the quantity of products based on its type between 15 and 100 per cent increase. Quality products such as linen, hemp and tobacco to be increased substantially improved products and flavor. نتيجه : Sweet irrigation help, to use less fertilizer, seed, pesticide and water, reduced production costs and fair price product early with higher sales, more income will be earned. Ghyrsrdsyr areas may also come in on Tuesday Barksht and thus economic production allows optimum use of limited resources are obtained.