above, including power plants and sugar industries, etc.). Given that the major contents of this site in case of fire tube boilers are, therefore, a general softening method is summarized. It is noteworthy that always look forward to your comments and tips and articles are specialists in boilers and related industries. Boiler feed water quality in any conditions of the amount of harmful salts (deposits) and the amount of dissolved gases in the water should be controlled and optimized if necessary.

Water-soluble gases, including oxygen and carbon dioxide can be combined with metal and insoluble iron oxide production. Which ultimately leads to corrosion on metal and disability segment will be under pressure. Hydrogen combined with carbon steel and steel in acidic conditions leads to fragility and disintegration (hydrogen embrittlement) will be. To delete temporary difficulties, including lack of calcium and magnesium carbonates can be used lime softeners. Softeners to remove permanent (non-alkaline and alkaline) of smooth limestone - used Kastky. This method is often referred to as the first stage ion exchange softening and before softeners can be used. And to reduce the load on the resin can be used. A resin-based ion exchange softeners work. Now in terms of work efficiency and cost savings are the most widely used type of softener. The ion exchange method, gross water ions through an intermediate transfer them to a female Jahed, known as ion exchange, are removed. This means that in exchange for getting them to the Maali the structure of the ion exchanger material, non-harmful particles separated stored. According to the sharing of their limited capacity to store ions. Thus, when the exchange capacity decreases due to saturation by negative ions, it is necessary to sharing material through a chemical process is somehow revived. Harmful ions and ions of the material sharing useful Shshtshv need to be replaced. Ion exchange methods, frequency span, and even able to remove all salts dissolved in water (desalination). be. In this system the raw water in contact with the material sharing, with sodium cations on the zeolite (pitches) are replaced.

Ca2+ + Na2R --> CaR + 2Na+ Mg2++ + Na2R --> MgR + 2Na+

Ion exchange (resin) cationic consists of four phases: (1) operation, reverse Shtshvy 2, 3 and 4. Rehabilitation cleaning services. Rehabilitation of the water flow rate (Dubai), raw water hardness depends on the amount of salt used for regeneration. To increase the regenerative capacity of the resin (salt water) is increased, but this increase is not necessarily proportional to achieve the optimal effect of brine concentration between 10-30 percent would be desirable.


R Ca

+ 2NaCl --> Na2R +


R Mg

As mentioned, a cationic ion-exchange water softener salts can cause hardness from 0 to 20 ppm cut.

If you need more Bakhlvs be obtained water-soluble kidneys, such as sodium, silica, alkalinity and remove mineral ions and they need to be desalinated water. Desalination, to produce demineralized water is to accurately remove inorganic salts by ion exchange process. In this process, a cationic resin (Asydqvy) with hydrogen cycle, all water-soluble salts are converted to the corresponding acid and anionic resin (strong play) with hydroxide cycle, they will remove it. The cost of this method compared to evaporation and distillation method is less. The reverse osmosis for desalination can be used. Which was referred to in detail as the rest of the site.